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Dare to create a better world with BTA

Sustainability to us means caring for the surrounding society and environment. It is important for BTA that business leaves as small a footprint in nature as possible.

We are characterized by a strong sense of social responsibility, and we always think about how we can take care of the people and environment around us even more.

Our ambitions

Sustainability strategy 2023 - 2025


We aim to reduce the total emissions footprint in our operations by 55%.


At BTA sustainability forest we will plant an additional 30,000 trees.

In care for society

We believe that at least 2,500 employees will spend at least one day on social responsibility projects.

In care for yourself

We will provide our employees with at least 900 different training events.


We will continue to invest in real estate that is built in high sustainability standards.


We will monitor document updates and always ensure they are in line with the latest sustainability directives.


Growth is important! We will ensure that each BTA employee achieves at least 6 development goals.

Social Active Day

We care about not forgetting those who need our help the most in the hectic daily work routine. At BTA, we encourage every employee to dedicate at least one working day per year to implementing a social responsibility project. Projects are organized both by the company and employees themselves, implementing their own initiatives and investing their time where they feel the greatest calling.


In 2023, more than 600 employees in the Baltics participated in the Social Active Day.


At BTA, we have knitted socks for newborns, helped in soup kitchens, cleaned the giraffe house at the zoo, cleared marshes of invasive plants, and so on.

Paid day off

The Social Responsibility Day is a paid working day.


We know how important it is to take care of ourselves and our physical and mental health, which is why we provide our employees with ample opportunities so that everyone can take care of their well-being.

Sveikatos draudimas

Visi BTA darbuotojai praėjus bandomąjam laikotarpiui gauna sveikatos draudimą (įskaitant dantų priežiūrą, sportą, gydomuosius masažus ir t. t.).

Sporto renginiai

BTA visada padengia kolegų dalyvavimo mokesčius įvairiuose sporto renginiuose, tokiuose kaip "Rimi Vilniaus maratonas".


BTA visada suteikia darbuotojams galimybę dalyvauti įvairiuose mokymuose, siekiant pagilinti žinias apie draudimo produktus, įgytį specifinių įgūdžių ir palaikyti gerą emocinę savijautą.

Thinking green

We are well-known for 'green thinking' and digitalization! We never stop at what we have achieved and always continue to improve, making processes more efficient to achieve even better results in sustainability indicators.

15 000

The amount of trees we have planted in the BTA sustainability forest.

ISO certificates

BTA continues taking care of sustainability and reducing adverse effects of climate change, therefore, it has received certifications for the implementation and maintenance of international standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.

Paperless concept

To preserve nature, all internal documents are maintained only in digital form and signed with an electronically secure e-signature.

Green Office Certificate

This certificate confirms that BTA implements effective and specific measures to reduce the environmental impact of its business.

Kiti projektai

Mums rūpi, kad pasaulis, kuriame gyvename, taptų geresnis visiems. Tam, BTA nuolat remia įvairias visuomenines ir kultūrines iniciatyvas, teikiančias pridėtinę vertę žmonėms.

Town Hall

Since 2020 BTA has insured the Town Hall of Tartu, which is located in the center of the 2024 European Capital of Culture.


We have created a collection of artwork with works of art by new and talented artists, which is the best way to reflect the latest contemporary art trends in the Baltic Region. Currently the artwork decorates corporate headquarters in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

BTA Velomaster

More than 25 Velomaster tracks across the Baltics! Velomaster is a carefully designed, educational environment for both children and adults, teaching various cycling skills in safe conditions.