Work in the insurance industry is full of events and exciting tasks, and it gathers representatives from a wide variety of professions.
We divide our daily lives into six different directions - take a look and find out more!
Work in the insurance industry is full of events and exciting tasks, and it gathers representatives from a wide variety of professions.
We divide our daily lives into six different directions - take a look and find out more!
Continuing to take care of sustainability and reduction of negative climate changes, BTA has received certificates for the implementation and maintenance of international standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
While respecting the nature, all of the internal documents are kept in a digital format and are signed with an electronically secure e-signature.
BTA has a strong team of professionals of specialists who care not only about external clients, but also about our internal client – the employees, their professional needs and well-being. At BTA You can improve your skills in internal and external communication in the Marketing Department, work with human resources issues in the Human Resources Management Department, work with company procurements and document management, take care of our office and develop a "green" mindset or work on the sustainability vision with colleagues of the Administrative Department, prepare contract projects in the Legal Department or improve the company's internal processes together with Quality Specialists – there are so many options and many more!
The BTA HR team is made up of very wonderful and interesting people. Here, you have the opportunity to interact with colleagues who share common goals and values. In addition to the usual HR administration, attraction and development tasks, my team also contributes to the implementation of various company processes and changes. The BTA HR team has a dynamic and inspiring working environment. We work on a variety of projects that allow us to innovate and develop our activities. These include a state-of-the-art online learning platform, a digital recruitment process and an employee communication and service portal. There is never boring, as every day brings new challenges, new friendships and opportunities to bring unusual ideas to life. By joining the BTA HR team, you will be joining a friendly and motivating environment where you can fulfil your potential and become a professional in your field.
Jevgenija Krikščiūnė, HRM division manager
We offer a wide range of different insurance services to BTA customers.
BTA insures, cares for and provides the most appropriate insurance solutions to a large number of customers.
More than half of BTA's employees work in sales teams to make sure our customers get the best deals.
The sales team is one of the largest and dynamic teams in BTA, and here high goals are achieved both by people without any previous experience in insurance or sales, and by already established professionals. Working in sales means communicating with current BTA customers, as well as attracting new customers, because it is important for us to offer the best insurance solutions to everyone! We provide services to both legal entities and private individuals, as well as cooperate with intermediaries. If you choose a job in sales, you have the opportunity to work at BTA head office or at one of the sales points in Vilnius or in another Lithuanian citys.
The Distance sales division cares about every customer. We want to make sure that the customer's journey with us lasts a long time, that everyone is offered the best BTA product, and that the customer is safe after the conversation with us! I always promise to a new team member - a friendly, cheerful, motivating and supportive team. I myself am motivated at work by the team, its results, and each interesting and different working day!
Aurelija Žilinskė, Distance sales division manager
The Corporate customer department builds long-term and sustainable relationships with Lithuanian companies based on mutual trust. Through a range of insurance products, we help businesses feel secure in their operations. When working in the B2B segment, it is very important to understand the specifics of the business and to find solutions for the particular field of activity in which our client is engaged. Our team of business account managers is made up of insurance professionals who are able to consistently assess the needs of each client and, by applying their experience, find the best solutions. If you are courageous, communicative and want to gain knowledge in business insurance that you can put into practice - we will help you become a B2B sales professional!
Artur Kisiel, Corporate customer department director
It is everyone's goal and duty to follow through on plans - my favourite saying. We are a team that has clear goals and consistently pursues them. We have confidence in ourselves and in the team we are in. We know how to work and have fun, which is very important to maintain team spirit. Every member of the Western Region team is important and has a place in the insurance world. We work with the guiding principle that we care about each client and their individual needs.
Gytenis Balčiūnas, Western region director
Insurance available on your smartphone – more convenient and safer than a regular card! All the information is in one place and it will only take you only 21 seconds to submit a insurance claim.
You can now contact your doctor remotely through the BTA Health Insurance app.
In the insurance business, we are one of the first to offer customers the opportunity to take a picture of their car themselves before buying CASCO – without going to BTA in person.
At BTA, we prioritize development, innovation, and digitalization, which we implement with strong and knowledgeable IT and Business Innovation teams working on the development and maintenance of efficient solutions.
Your daily work life will be dynamic, providing an opportunity to develop professionally in a rapidly changing and challenging environment. By working at one of the market leaders in the industry, you will gain valuable skills in a competitive business environment and contribute to the development of insurance solutions in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, as well as participate in Vienna Insurance Group's international projects.
Information technology (IT) touches every process in a company, making it one of the most exciting fields in the world. Working in the IT department involves not only increasing your knowledge of IT, but also developing your skills in areas such as sales, claims management, accounting, legal aspects, product development solutions and more. Every day we face challenges in security, technology and innovation, which is why the team has a supportive and understanding atmosphere.
Konstantin Serov, Software development division manager
I believe that one of the most important future skills is creativity and the ability to collaborate. We, as the Baltic Business Innovations department, embody these qualities – we are creative, focused on collaboration, always seeking knowledge, and committed to achieving results.
Our team drives digital transformation, develops e-commerce, builds digital channels, and implements innovative projects that improve BTA's internal processes as well as our clients' experience with the company.
We are in constant motion, always staying up to date with the latest trends in UX/UI, artificial intelligence, and the world of innovation. We work at a Pan-Baltic level in BTA as well as on international projects within the Vienna Insurance Group. At the same time we actively promote and sustain culture of innovations in the company, and we see that that inspires our colleagues to be more creative and keep growing. We believe that big ideas arise not only from working, but also from positive emotions and great team energy.
Jekaterina Zalīte, Director of the Baltic Business Innovations department
In the Claims handling department work 69 employees to make the process run smoothly.
In 2024 we received 292 865 health applications for a compensation.
Last year, we paid 179 million euros in indemnities in the Baltics.
Friendly colleagues, comfortable workplace and dynamic rhythm – this is the daily life of BTA Claims Handling Department. While we are handling insurance claims, you will always have the opportunity to make quick and easy decisions, as well as to delve into non-standard situations. Friendly attitude and accessibility to our customers 24/7 is important to us.
We all want to find a reliable partner we can trust, who values us and gives us the opportunity to grow. BTA is such a partner. The Foreign Claims Department is a team of like-minded people who enjoy developing their knowledge and competences in the European market. Our team encourages professional growth and the professionals within it take pride in both the company and themselves.
Božena Svikščiūtė, Foreign claims handling division manager
In 2022, BTA insured Vilnius Town Hall and its top-class piano STEINWAY & SONS.
BTA is one of the few players in the Lithuanian insurance market that insures balloons. We can say that we are one of the most experienced aviation risk insurers in Lithuania.
BTA is the market leader in crop insurance with more than 10 years of experience. We are not able to predict the weather, but by insuring the fields, we can protect them. Customers annually prove their trust by renewing their crop policies.
In 2021, BTA Insurance has provided free insurance for 730 flats (including home contents and third-party liability insurance), where Ukrainian refugees were sheltered.
To ensure that BTA customers receive the best offers, product managers and underwriters evaluate customer needs, the frequency of occurrence of various risks and the expected costs. A price is set and a product is created that we can be proud of and confidently offer to our customers. In underwriting risks you can start a career as a specialist and improve to a leading position!
My own and the team's opinion is similar that the biggest advantage of working for us is the freedom and the ability to contribute directly to the company's financial performance. Five managers and more than twenty professionals in their field are ready to share their experience and help to solve problems every day. A risk assessor's job sounds simple - gather as much information as possible about a potential client and their needs, and make an appropriate proposal. Each client is unique and the solution offered to them is individual, which is why this job requires a lot of creativity.
Gediminas Radavičius, Insurance risk management department director
Finansų departamento darbuotojų stažas siekia nuo 3 iki 21 metų BTA!
Finansų departamente yra Apskaitos Skyrius, kuris jungia 22 žmones su 5 skirtingų rūšių pozicijomis.
The daily life of an insurance company is unimaginable without the various financial calculations that support our business. In BTA team, you can try your hand in Finance and Accounting departments, specialize in such areas as Reinsurance and Actuarial Science, as well as achieve the highest level of Excel mastery in the Department of Business Analytics.
Our aim is to work efficiently with our partners on insurance document accounting. The aim is to optimize daily accounting processes to save time and resources. Working in the accounting team means being with colleagues who are guided by the principles of openness, simplicity and care. It means growing and creating with BTA!
Inga Simanavičienė, Acconting division manager